Does Progress End?

I had these bizarre thoughts during my college days, which drove me insane and they all started when I started searching about meaning of life(Good luck with finding that). I am grateful to my friends for cheering me in the past and currently, I am occupied doing some work to escape from these thoughts as I am supposed to lead a happy life.

I believe we have progressed to a stage where all of us can lead a comfortable life, if wealth distribution happens and income inequality reduces. I don’t advocate for socialism and if it’s not capitalism, we wouldn’t have gotten here this soon. Being in software industry taught me that, every decision is a tradeoff and there are pros and cons of every decision made. Everybody works to trade their time and effort for money. Many other external factors influence these decisions, like someone’s dream/greed.

There is a lot of innovation going in areas of Artificial Intelligence and software industry in general. Many of us are competing in this never ending race to live a life and remain in the history books. But is this innovation really necessary? Haven’t we innovated enough, that it’s time for us to educate everyone and live a comfortable life? How difficult it is difficult to live in this society no innovation as all innovations eventually lead to problems. Electricity is a boon and without it, I can’t imagine the current society but it comes with a life threatening cost.

These thoughts came again when I recently came across a rainmatter foundation video where they talk about existing problems in society. I am optimistic about the change but it has to be from top to bottom.

Above points makes me think again what’s the point of life? But I have moved away from it as my thoughts won’t make much of a difference. I hope my actions will make a small difference eventually.