Hello World

This blog is for me to keep track of my journey as a software developer in this technology driven world and share my personal views.

Software History Link to heading

It is amusing that most of our life just revolves around the innovation and development that happened in the past 50 years. With open source libraries and the amazing community around them, it became easier for everyone to build useful things that make difference in day-to-day lives. At the start, I didn’t know the history of software but understanding the significance of these events, motto behind them, definitely made me a good developer. I can recollect some of the things, which made an impact on what I am doing today.

  1. Bell labs, people who worked there and their work
  2. Microsoft launching DOS
  3. GNU tools for common utilities
  4. Linux open source monolith kernel
  5. Tim Berner Lee’s concept of internet
  6. Google’s page rank and search engine
  7. Apple launching iPhone
  8. Neural Networks and recent advancements